Love Letter to Milwaukee
by Don Browne
As I was coasting through my social media this morning, I came across a post from a friend of mine that caught my eye. His politics do not align with mine, but I love him anyway – funniest guy I ever met! And we are definitely on the same page when he made this slam against the DNC:
…But now they (the DNC) took their logo and changed it by removing the word Milwaukee and removing the picture of Wisconsin on it and replacing it with a picture of the United States. What a kick in the %$*@s for the people of Wisconsin. Just Get off my lawn!!
It bothers me that we are halfway through the convention and there has been very little tribute or mention of the host city. I get that we have had to resort to a virtual platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the party can ill-afford to overlook the city and its people who pulled out all the stops to beat two other bigger and more prominent cities to host the DNC in 2020. This same city that cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election because her campaign people thought she “had it in the bag” could be the same city that will send Donald Trump back to the White House for four more years if the proper respect is not paid during the virtual convention.
In the spirit of wanting to help out, and in the remote possibility that an influencer from Biden’s campaign team or the DNC reads this blog, I would recommend that the Democratic nominee for President should include this “Love Letter to Milwaukee” in his acceptance speech tomorrow night.
“I would be remiss if I did not send my deepest expression of appreciation to the people of Milwaukee for all the amazing things they did to be awarded host city for our convention. But I also want to share my deepest regrets that Jill and myself, along with the thousands of delegates from the Democratic Party could not join you in person to celebrate the many achievements and the offerings of your great American city. Before the COVID-19 pandemic changed everyone’s plans, I was plotting to sneak into town on Sunday to catch the world’s largest Irish Fest at one of the world’s greatest fair grounds. I had my advance people get the secret password to the Safe House so that I could stop by for a beverage, and then use the secret booth door to enter the Milwaukee Press Club where I would marvel at all the authentic autographs signed by some of America’s greatest leaders from the last century. I would demonstrate my youthful exuberance by closing Wolski’s, and show Gen-Xers how cool I am by having my picture taken with “The Fonz.” I would have enjoyed a tour of your amazing breweries, your eclectic and colorful Brady Street, and be inspired by the creativity of your historic Third Ward. I would’ve showcased one or many of your great innovators in technology to tell everyone that this longtime industrial giant is also a brain belt city. And I would send Jill to take in the exhibits at the Discovery Museum and your proud collection of galleries and other museums so that I could sneak out and enjoy a sausage, a brat, a soft pretzel and the many delicious offerings from America’s dairy land. But most of all, I would emphasize that Milwaukee won the bid to host the convention because of the dynamic collaboration of business and civic leaders from BOTH parties. The Milwaukee model for success is the one I would adopt to lead this country – forming thoughtful and strategic partnerships from both sides of the aisle to build a better America – one of growth, opportunity and inclusion.
If I am elected, I pledge to the people of Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin two things:
- I will never refer to custard as ice cream ever again!
- And I will ensure that Milwaukee will host the next Democratic National Convention in 2024.
You stuck with us through this difficult and unprecedented crisis in our nation’s history. We will stick with you to help you deliver a more prosperous future for your communities, your region and our nation. May God bless the Cream City and the Badger State!
Please note that this is not a formal endorsement for former Vice President Biden, but for my adopted home where I have lived since 2007. This city deserves more attention and thanks for all that they have done, regardless of the necessary shift to the virtual platform.